Welcome to the Men's Therapy Centre
Individual Counselling
Group Counselling
Victim Services
Words from Our Clients
"It's important for men to have access to services like this to help us navigate societal pressures and expectations of what men "should" be, and how we feel as men."
MTC Client
"It's important to provide a safe space for men to share their trauma and grow into proponents of healthy masculinity."
MTC Client
"Without this program, there would be nowhere else for me to go"
MTC Client
How we can help you
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These are the first people you will see when you come to the Men’s* Therapy Centre; there is no charge to see a Victim Service worker.
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A therapist can meet with you on a one-on-one basis. They are trained and experienced in helping men* who have experienced trauma, including childhood sexual abuse.
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Groups are offered when there are enough participants who are ready to start one. One of the benefits of being in a group is sharing with other men* who have also experienced trauma.
Men do experience trauma
It is more common than you may think and it can be devastating. There is help here for you and we are here to listen to you. When you survive a trauma you may experience:
- Difficulty dealing with your feelings (anger, stress, depression, anxiety)
- Trouble getting along with your partner/family/children
- Challenges at work
- Trouble sleeping; bad dreams/insomnia
- Disturbing memories or ‘flashbacks’ of the traumatic event
- Increased use or problems with alcohol and/or drugs